Trade diversion effect is a double-edged sword in regional economic cooperation, then how can China-ASEAN trade cooperation win more at the minimum loss? 贸易转移效应犹如区域合作的双面刃;中国&东盟贸易合作能否趋利避害?
When partnership is underproduction the establishment of FTA have trade diversion effect, when it is production difference trade diversion effect is damaging or improving welfare of host country. 在伙伴国生产能力较低时建立自由贸易区只有贸易转移效应,在产品差别化条件下贸易转移效应有可能损害东道国福利也有可能改善福利。
In the light of demonstration result, author think that CAFTA will bring on large of trade created effect, the diversion effect is relatively weak, China can gain a great deal of benefit from it. 根据本文实证结果,中国与东盟建立自由贸易区将产生巨大的贸易创造效应,转移效应不明显,我国从中能获得很大的效率收益。
Based on Viner's concept of "trade creation" and "trade diversion", Kindleberger put forword" investment creation "and" investment diversion "to analyze the static effect of FDI in regional integration. 金德尔伯格在瓦伊纳“贸易创造”和“贸易转移”的基础上提出了“投资转移”和“投资创造”,分析了区域一体化中FDI的静态效应。
Zero tariff induce trade creation effect to fresh durian and dry or fresh mangosteen, trade diversion effect to fresh longan and dry longan or longan aril. 零关税的实施对鲜或干山竹和鲜榴莲有贸易创造效应;对鲜龙眼贸易转移效应;
Chapter 3 is to recall the history of EU enlargement and trade diversion impact of prior four times. Then it is to analyze investment effect and trade effect on members due to test of economic integration of members and economic output formula. 第三章主要是回顾欧盟扩张的历程及前四次的贸易转移影响,再通过成员国经济一体化检验和产出总方程式分析欧盟东扩给成员国带来的投资效应和贸易效应。
Mainly makes a specific explanation on trade restriction effect and trade diversion effect. 这部分主要从贸易限制效应和贸易转移效应方面进行具体阐述。
The essay use the export similarity index and revealed comparative advantage index to analysis the trade diversion effect from the whole export structure and concrete industries. 本文通过出口相似指数和显示性比较优势指数分别从中国总体出口结构和具体产业或部门两个角度分析了韩美FTA对中国可能造成的贸易转移效应。这是本文的又一个创新点。
As for the mainland, there is no trade diversion effect, and net trade creation effect is positive. The implementation of CEPA creates more demand for products in Hong Kong by the mainland, which is the substitution of its own production. 对于大陆来说,没有贸易转移效应,且净贸易创造效应为正,表明CEPA的实施创造出大陆对香港产品的更多需求,这些需求是来自以香港进口替代大陆自行生产的。